
Mountain Dragon Green
Full flavored green tea roars gently with light bakey notes, grass and subtle eucalyptus notes.
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Country of Origin: China
The outstanding feature of this green tea is its three greens - green in tea, green brew, and green tea leaves. Its earliest record can be dated back to 1631, when Mountain Dragon green tea was listed tribute to imperial court. Since selected to top teas in 1985, it won 26 times of national and provincial awards.
Mountain Dragon green tea is grown in high mountains. The harvest starts from March to the end of April when tea begin to shoot. The standard picking is one or two tender leaves of a new bud. For its limited supply, a total 6,000 kg annual production, the tribute green tea often falls short of demand in China.
Brewing Tips - Hot Tea: When preparing by the cup, this tea can be used repeatedly - about 3 times. The secret is to use water that is about 180’F or 80’C. Place 1 teaspoon of Mountain Dragon Green tea in your cup let the tea steep for about 3 minutes and then begin enjoying a cup of enchantment - do not remove the tea leaves from the cup. Once the water level is low - add more water, and so on and so on - until the flavor of the green tea is exhausted. Look at the pattern of the leaves in the brew, not only do they foretell your fortune but you can see the leaves and the flowers petals pointing the way to good health and prosperity.
Brewing Tips - Cold Tea: Our iced tea recipe: Place 6 teaspoons of tea into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Pour 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water over the tea. Steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the tea into your serving pitcher straining the leaves. Add ice and top up the pitcher with cold water. Garnish and sweeten to taste. [A rule of thumb when preparing fresh brewed iced tea is to double the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water.]
Mountain Dragon Green
The outstanding feature of this green tea is its three greens - green in tea, green brew, and green tea leaves. Its earliest record can be dated back to 1631, when Mountain Dragon green tea was listed tribute to imperial court. Since selected to top teas in 1985, it won 26 times of national and provincial awards.
Mountain Dragon green tea is grown in high mountains. The harvest starts from March to the end of April when tea begin to shoot. The standard picking is one or two tender leaves of a new bud. For its limited supply, a total 6,000 kg annual production, the tribute green tea often falls short of demand in China.
Brewing Tips - Hot Tea: When preparing by the cup, this tea can be used repeatedly - about 3 times. The secret is to use water that is about 180’F or 80’C. Place 1 teaspoon of Mountain Dragon Green tea in your cup let the tea steep for about 3 minutes and then begin enjoying a cup of enchantment - do not remove the tea leaves from the cup. Once the water level is low - add more water, and so on and so on - until the flavor of the green tea is exhausted. Look at the pattern of the leaves in the brew, not only do they foretell your fortune but you can see the leaves and the flowers petals pointing the way to good health and prosperity.
Brewing Tips - Cold Tea: Our iced tea recipe: Place 6 teaspoons of tea into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Pour 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water over the tea. Steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the tea into your serving pitcher straining the leaves. Add ice and top up the pitcher with cold water. Garnish and sweeten to taste. [A rule of thumb when preparing fresh brewed iced tea is to double the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water.]